hi master chung, I was wondering how I can possibly access the page that says what I need to know for my 1st degree.... not the terminology but the one that says stuff like 55 good push ups and sit ups and all of my breaks and stuff?
March 30, 2012

L Berghoff

Hi Master Chung, Our friends want to join but they could not find your class schedule on the website. Can you please give us the link?
January 29, 2012

Tino Kalamaris

Master Chung, It was very nice meeting and speaking with you today. You brought me back to the days when I was a kid. I will contact you soon regarding attending classes. Thank You, Tino
January 25, 2012

Steven Kacel

I like the new will be really great when fully functional!
January 19, 2012

Tasom Chung

I Know.

Master S. Chung

Hello all, concerning the study material, click on the learning center tab above and you should see it in the Tae Kwon Do section. This link might help also.​LearningCenter/​Object/​View/​Course?listViewId=9b00395c-7db5-4311-a5f7-a29ca4518f02&recordId=f518260398df4a8fad3a6c951861ac14&listPageNumber=1&ListSortBy=_filter__RecordName&ListSortAsc=true
January 9, 2012

Master S. Chung

Hello all, concerning the study material, click on the learning center tab above and you should see it in the Tae Kwon Do section. This link might help also.​LearningCenter/​Object/​View/​Course?listViewId=9b00395c-7db5-4311-a5f7-a29ca4518f02&recordId=f518260398df4a8fad3a6c951861ac14&listPageNumber=1&ListSortBy=_filter__RecordName&ListSortAsc=true
January 9, 2012

Kate Abrams

hi anthony! whats up?
December 31, 2011

Anthony Sanchez

HI Master Chung . I was wondering where to get my forms and terms from i can't find them on your new web site. Thanks
December 29, 2011

Kate Abrams

Hi Master Chung. Sorry I haven't been posting. I was on vacation in Florida.
December 28, 2011

Tasom Chung

how are you doing guys? did you have a happy holiday?
December 27, 2011